Kodiak Launch Complex employees have begun a trailer park just past the mouth of the Pasagshak River. They have illegally parked trailers on state land - formal complaints are being filed, but the state can be painfully slow in evicting squatters. If you don't want AADC turning Pasagshak and Narrow Cape into Trailer Trash City, please contact them and let them know their employees should remove their trailers immediately.
Anchorage Administrative Office
4300 B Street, Ste. 101
Anchorage, AK 99503
Phone: (907) 561-3338
Fax: (907) 561-3339

My email has been sent. It looks like they are setting up for the long haul. The one even has an external septic tank. I know from unfortunate experience, these are messy and you ALWAYS end up spilling some of the sewage on the ground.
AADC employees squatting, is unacceptable on multiple levels.
The trailers were temporarily moved to the entrance road to Lake Rose Tead, but have since disappeared. They were gone on Thursday, June 18.
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