Information related to the Alaska Aerospace Corporation, the Kodiak Launch facility ("The Little Launch Complex That Couldn'"t), and Missile Defense. We do not say much about commercial launches because the KLC has never had a commercial launch for a non-government agency. If this is your first time to visit, we suggest you begin with the Dec 3 2008 post: "KLC Wasn't Wanted and They Couldn't Pay Their Own Way (and they still can't)"
So just bc they are KLC employees it's considered squatting? Since when is it a crime to camp on public use land? And "No information as to why they were parked in the original location has been available."? Come on now... there's no hidden agenda. It's pretty sad that you have nothing better to do with your time than to harass the employees that work out there, when they're no different than anyone else trying to enjoy Kodiak's outdoor resources.
As long as they (or anybody else) clean up after themselves and there aren't any land use laws being broken, I don't see what the problem is.
Article 1
State Park Land and Water Restrictions
11 AAC 12.230. Camping and boating
(l) A person may not camp at the same location in an undeveloped area of a state park for more than 10 consecutive days in a calendar year, except as authorized by the director under 11 AAC 18.010. After a person has camped for up to 10 consecutive days at the same location in an undeveloped area of a state park, all camping equipment must be removed from that location and may not be set up or used again within one mile of that location during the next 10 days.
It's a crime to camp on public use land when your stay exceeds ten days - read your own comment.
Both trailers had been parked on state land for MORE THAN THE TEN DAYS ALLOWED BY LAW. In fact, one had been parked in the same sport for at least 45 days and the owner had planted a garden using discarded tires. Both were clearly in violation of the law. One of the folks who complained about this violation has also complained about other non-KLC campers who broke the law.
Please note the other posts on how KLC employees are treating Narrow Cape as their private playground, illegaly building banyas on state land and riding ATVs on state roads, staging out of the Mission Control parking lot.
BTW, I always enjoy "anonymous" posts - any chance you are one of the KLC employees who broke the law?
Actually I'm not one of them, because had I been, I would've known about the duration of the stay. They don't bother with your blogs and could care less because they're busy being productive and working, unlike yourself with nothing better to do with your time then lead this witch hunt on KLC.
To be fair, 45 days in one spot is a reasonable argument. But there are many instances of people staying over the allowed time, hopefully they aren't ignored by your "group" simply bc they aren't KLC employees. And about the duration of camping, it's actually 14 days for Pasagshak. But when they relocated a mile away, you should have the decency to back off instead of further harassing and taking pictures of them.
Pertaining to your APRIL 2005 blog... Private playground? Building banyas? And "staging" out of Mission Control? First of all, what and where is mission control? I have a friend who is a trapper/hunter who, after asking, KLC allowed to use their main parking lot to park in. Second, I see nothing wrong with driving a personal vehicle w/ an atv into their place of work so as to be already out here at the end of the day. And as far as driving on state roads, your one instance on a blog in 2005 isn't grounds for assuming everyone on an atv on the cape is a KLC employee. The cape is a playground for them as it is for all of us. And personally, I'd rather see an atv use the road, despite the law, then tearing up lowlands or cutting unnecessary trails. Also, at least the employees clean up after themselves and after everyone else along the road, Fossil Beach, and Bear Paw. Have you ever blogged about this? How they clean the roadsides and beaches, you're probably too busy taking pictures of nonsense when if you really cared, your "group" would pitch in and keep OUR "playground" clean.
I remain anonymous just as you hide behind your Blog name.
KRLIG is totally in the right on this issue.
I,too, observed these trailers and they were not "camping". Both were settling in for semi-permanent residence or "squatting" (as KRLIG puts it) on public land.
"11 AAC 12.230. Camping and boating
(l)" makes it clear that the trailers were in violation of the law by being there far in excess of the ten day limit. I noticed the first trailer in April and the second one showed up in May, so this wasn't short-term camping by any stretch.
Whether you are a KLC employee or not, you are obligated to obey the law. It's not harassment to file a complaint against someone who is violating a state statute.
I'm sure we all have better things to do than bother with these violators; that's why it would be nice if they just followed the rules.
BTW the "Snow Warrior" is not an employee of the KLC. In fact he is a city employee that's owns his own business on the side.
My Point? Sometimes it really is just camping. Sometimes folks set up a campsite and commute back to their jobs all week long. Some folks have schedules with several days off and choose to recreate on their time off.
So get off off that high eco loving horse; Puleeeze!
One more BTW, it is against the law to trap, transport, and transplant any wild animals in the great state of Alaska. Ya might want to remind your club members of that little rule.
That might seem irrelevant, but I do believe in that "old glass houses" tenet.
The key word here is "camping" -a temporary stay in area. These trailers were "squatting" - illegally setting up residence on public land. Note the commenter who observed that one trailer had first been seen in April - no complaints were filed until June 6 after a garden was planted using discarded tires.
If what they were doing was legal, the Alaska State Troopers certainly wouldn't have bothered with it.
The great thing about public land is that we can all use it - but that means we all have to follow the same rules.
In Alaska, ten days is the limit for a camp.
Dear Anonymous:
You don't know the members of our group nor the activities we engage in. Frankly, this blog takes much more time that any of us want to spend on it.
Your accusations are exactly the sort of thing of which you accuse us- speaking without knowing all the facts about us.
Media coverage of AADC and KLC has been overwhelmingly one-sided and focused on only the "positive" - note the recent article in Alaska Business Journal.
The title of this blog makes it very clear our position on this useless facility. We offer an alternate point of view.
No one is harassing or criticizing KLC employees as a group. This was simply a case where at least one KLC employee was violating state law. It would be great if someone would create a blog to document all the wonderful things KLC employees do.
Wow! Amazing how a little trailer park sparks more comments than the tens of millions of wasted taxpayer dollars spiraling down the drain out at Narrow Cape. Do you folks in Kodiak really believe this is a viable business - considering the enormous costs of shipping rockets, travel expenses and launch personnel housing? How many launches since it was built? It sounds like it doesn't even pay for itself - if it was a welfare mother, the Republicans would be all over it, demanding something in return for all that money.
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