In compliance with FAA policy and procedures (Order
1050.1E, Change 1) for implementing the National Environmental Policy
Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.), the FAA has initiated a public
review and comment period for the Draft Environmental
Assessment (EA) for the Kodiak Launch Complex Launch Pad 3 (Draft EA).
The Draft EA also is available on the FAA Office of Commercial Space
Transportation website at: [[
[Note – the full Draft EA will be posted on the website by 9/16]
The FAA encourages all interested parties to provide comments concerning the scope and content of the Draft EA by October 15, 2014.
Comments should be as specific as possible and address the analysis of
potential environmental impacts
and the adequacy of the Proposed Action or merits of alternatives, and
the mitigation being considered. Reviewers should organize their
comments to be meaningful and inform the FAA of their interests and
concerns quoting or providing specific references to
the text of the Draft EA. Matters that could have been raised with
specificity during the Draft EA public comment period might not be
considered if they are raised for the first time later in the decision
process. This commenting procedure is intended to
ensure that the FAA receives substantive comments and concerns in time
to address them in a Final EA.
The FAA will hold an open house public meeting on October 7, 2014, from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00
the Katurwik Room of the Kodiak Inn Best Western, located at 236 E
Rezanof Drive, Kodiak. The public will be able to speak to project
one-on-one and submit written comments or provide oral comments to a
Please submit comments in writing to Stacey M. Zee,
Federal Aviation Administration, c/o ICF International, 9300 Lee
Highway, Fairfax, VA 22031. Comments may also be submitted via e-mail
For any media inquiries, please contact Hank Price at 202-267-3447.
Stacey M. Zee
Office of Commercial Space Transportation
Federal Aviation Administration
800 Independence Ave, SW
Washington, DC 20591
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