Dear Legislator:
This message is written on behalf of the Kodiak Rocket Launch
Group to explain why it is time to stop pouring money into the black
hole that is the Kodiak Launch Complex. KRLIG was formed in 1995 as an
ad hoc group of Kodiak residents who were
frustrated with Alaska Aerospace's lack of information and refusal to
answer questions about the, at that time, proposed KLC. As we
corresponded with scientists, business people, and others around the
country connected to the aerospace industry, our extensive research made
it apparent that a rocket launching facility in Kodiak would NEVER pay
for itself - a fact that has proven to be true. It was at this point
(1996 or 97) that more and more Kodiak residents opposed what came to be
known locally as "Space Pork Kodiak". A few years ago, an AAC official
admitted to the Kodiak Island Borough Assembly that launch revenues had
never covered the costs of keeping the facility open.
Some legislators have used the term "federally funded asset"
in relation to the KLC; this phrase is somewhat misleading. A more
term would be, "Ted Stevens funded asset". When AAC went to AIDEA for a
construction loan in the '90s, they were told not to come back until
they could
prove they would have the business to pay it back. This never happened
because they could not show they would have sufficient launches to pay
back a loan and, more importantly, Senator Ted Stevens (at that time on
the Senate Appropriations Committee) pushed through unwanted funding to
USAF/DoD for
initial construction - 40 million dollars, as I recall.
Here is a link to a story that explains what happened:
http://kodiaklaunchcomplex.blogspot.com/2008/12/klc-wasnt-wanted-by-military.html This story appeared in the Kodiak Daily Mirror in 2008.
Here is an article from the NY Times from about the same time documenting the USAF opposition to funding the KLC: http://kodiaklaunchcomplex.blogspot.com/2008/10/incontrovertible-proof-that-klc-is.html
Since 1998, AAC has been entirely dependent on state and
federal funds just to keep the KLC open. I am sure that you will hear
from them this year that "several companies are interested in launches
and contracts are imminent". They have repeated that mantra for at
least fifteen years with few results. They will tout their
"partnerships" as proof they are major players in the launch industry.
Well, without actual launch contracts they are not what they pretend to
As long as Ted Stevens was in the Senate, the federal funds
flowed; once he was out, it wasn't long until the Missile Defense Agency
canceled the contract that essentially paid the costs of the KLC just
to keep it open in case they wanted to launch a target missile.
You may also hear claims along the "build it and they
will come" line......another ploy AAC has used for years to continue to
build more infrastructure requiring more money for maintenance, yet not
really acquiring launch contracts. Keep in mind that every launch from
the KLC has been paid for by federal government agencies - most have
been military-funded launches. Not one private entity has ever paid to
launch a rocket in Kodiak.
The last launch was September 26, 2011, and as of February 9,
2014, there are no launches listed for 2014 on their website. We don't
many businesses that can or should survive when, in almost three years,
they don't perform the service for which they were created. Funding of
the KLC is simply corporate welfare.
The KLC was built on false premises, a non-existent (or
fantasy) business plan, and now just sucks state funding for high
salaries for its corporate officers (who do not reside in Kodiak) and maintenance for an ocean side
facility that is quickly rusting away. AAC will claim that they are
bringing income and jobs to Kodiak. This simply not true except when
there is construction going on which provides short-term benefits
although often the workers are from off-island or even out of state.
Finally, it is my understanding that AAC has been paying a
monthly stipend of $15,000 to the owner of the Narrow Cape Lodge which
is used for lodging launch-related personnel; it has been empty for the
nearly three years since the last launch at the KLC. We have learned
that a legislator is trying to get
state funds for AAC to purchase the "Space Hotel", which would mean even
higher costs for them to maintain the KLC. This purchase would
be a waste of our dwindling state funds.
Alaska Legislators, thank you for your attention to this
issue. It really is time to stop wasting money on this state boondoggle
and close it down. We have better and more productive uses for state
money than the "Launch Pad to Nowhere".
We urge you to
take action to stop this unrecoverable loss from our dwindling state
coffers. We look forward to your reply and thank you for your service to
our state.
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