14 April 2015

14 April 2015: Alaska Aerospace Corporation Changes Name of Kodiak Launch Complex to "Pacific Spaceport Complex"

Photo of U.S. Army rocket exploding just a few seconds after lift-off at the "Pacific Spaceport Complex"
Even though the KLC, located on Narrow Cape, Kodiak, Alaska, is actually not anywhere near the Pacific Ocean, AAC is changing the name of the rarely used facility to "Pacific Spaceport Complex".  This change is simply a PR ploy to disguise the fact that the last rocket launched from the KLC exploded a few seconds after lift-off. 

12 April 2015: Pacific Spaceport Complex Puts Plastic Fence Back Up Rather Than Remove It From Beach

Good (?) news: AK Aerospace re-erected the plastic fencing on the beach near the Kodiak Launch Complex - it seems pointless since AAC stated that all the hazardous material has been cleaned up and you can just walk around the end of the fence anyway. All that needless orange plastic fencing along the highway is unsightly and restricting public access.Here are photos and video KRLIG shot on Sunday.

06 April 2015

05 April 2015: Alaska Aerospace Trashes Ocean Beaches at Narrow Cape

According to an article published in The Alaska Dispatch on April 2, 2015, "Alaska Aerospace Corp. officials say the cleanup of hazardous materials from a rocket explosion last year has been completed at the Kodiak Launch Complex."
Unfortunately, their containment fences have not been removed and are trashing the ocean beaches at Narrow Cape with a huge amount of plastic debris.  Since no launches are currently scheduled, perhaps KLC employees could remove this unsightly, dangerous plastic debris before any more of it is washed into the ocean and causes marine mammal, fish, and bird fatalities.